Waterfall Photo Editor has a collection of beautiful waterfall photo backgrounds and waterfall photo frames. Waterfalls are beauty of nature. Water is in the form of waterfall, rivers, sea, beach etc. there are different types of waterfalls are in the world. It is small or big, waterfall is really beautiful and taking selfie with waterfall is a great experience. All people may not get chance to take selfie with waterfall.
This waterfall photo editor has many beautiful waterfall photos which will help you to set waterfall background to your photos. Selfie with waterfall like name you can give name to your selfie. Waterfall photo backgrounds and water photo frames will make your photos more beautiful.
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- Select your photo from gallery or Take a selfie or Capture a picture with Camera.
- You can erase unwanted Background.
- Undo and redo options to correct the mistakes while erasing or editing your pictures.
- Add text on your photos with different style fonts and colors.
- Add photo backgrounds to your photos or set any photo from your gallery as background to your photo.
- You can create none background or single color background.
- Apply color effects on the pic to make it more beautiful.
- Save the final image and set as a wallpaper.
- You can save and share the pics with your friends on all social media networks like whatsapp, face book, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Picasa, flicker, Snapchat, LinkedIn and use whatsapp profile pic or face book profile pic.
- 从图库中选择您的照片或拍摄的自拍或捕捉相机拍摄照片。
- 您可以删除不需要的背景。
- 撤消和重做选项来纠正错误,同时删除或编辑您的图片。
- 添加上自己的照片与不同风格的字体和颜色的文本。
- 添加照片的背景,以您的照片或设置为从您的画廊作为背景,以您的照片的任何照片。
- 您可以创建没有背景或单色背景。
- 在PIC应用色彩效果,使其更加美观。
- 保存最终的图像,并设置为墙纸。
- 您可以在例如WhatsApp,脸书,推特,Instagram的,Pinterest的,Picasa中,闪烁,Snapchat,LinkedIn所有的社会媒体网络保存和与朋友分享的图片和使用WhatsApp的个人资料相片或脸书的个人资料照片。